Why Do I Keep Breaking Scroll Saw Blades?

Scroll saw blades can be fragile pieces of equipment that are not properly used. Scroll saw blades can be broken for many reasons. Understanding these causes will help you prevent future blade breaks.

The wrong blade type for your material is a common cause of blade breakage. Scroll saw blades can break if they are not made for the material you are working with. A fine-tooth blade, for example, is not recommended for hardwood because it can quickly become dull and eventually break.

A common cause of blade breakage is blades that are too thick, or too thin for your material. Blades too thick for the material will cause it to not be cut properly and can quickly break. Blades too thin will easily snap.

There are many reasons your scroll saw blades might be being broken. A sharp blade is one reason. A dull blade won’t cut the material correctly and can break easily.

Blade breakage can also occur when the material is being pushed through the saw too fast. The blade can break if you push too quickly through the saw. The blade can also break if your table is not level.

Another reason blade breakage can occur is when you don’t use the right saw blades for your material. There are many different types of saw blades that can be used for different materials. The wrong saw blade could cause it to break.